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    Allie & Ryan

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Worst Time

I miss my husband a lot. Understandable. Every military spouse right now is giving me a DUH from wherever they are. But I have to say it is worse at night. 

Night times were our times. 

I usually didn't get home from work until 7:30. We'd eat dinner and cuddle on the couch watching nextflix or have a bottle of wine in the garage. Maybe a cigar. We'd talk about our days and naturally, it is Ryan after all, the complexities of life, religion, economics and politics. We'd laugh at the Chive together or watch funny YouTube videos on our phones. One of us would make our lunches for the next day (usually me) while the other let the dog out (usually him). As we'd fall asleep we would cuddle and continue to chat until we eventually dozed off. 

Nights at home alone are hard. I've read a lot of books and watched a lot of tv. I try and go out when I can but more often than not the Dup and I are hanging out from five o'clock until bedtime. We do a long walk and occasionally I make myself dinner. Tonight it was burritos. Last night it was a mini frozen pizza. The night before it may have been peanut butter m&ms. It happens. 

But my one beer in the garage as I scroll through blogs or the Chive just doesn't measure up. The crickets seem a lot louder without his voice to fill the silence. My queen sized bed seems too big and I still curl up in my spot. 

Nights are the times I miss him the most. And the times I will cherish most of all when he is home again. 



  1. I don't have anything articulate to add; just know that the thoughts of many are with you and your husband and I look forward to the entry when you write that he is home safe with you in your bed again.

  2. Thank you. It is much appreciated!

  3. Totally agree nights just are never fun. Some days I can actually go without thinking about him being gone and then it's evening and it's like getting hit with a ton of bricks.

  4. Nights are definitely the longest. :/ Seems like it always works that way.

    Hope time speeds up for you guys.


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