Day 30: When did you become a fan of Doctor Who?
I kind of talked about that in the first post of the link up (whoops) which you can see here. Ryan and I had just moved to North Carolina and we were watching a lot of Netflix together and we just finished How I Met Your Mother so we needed a new show. Thanks to the geek section of Pinterest I had seen a lot of Doctor Who pins so I was curious. Luckily Netflix had it and we started to watch it. After a few episodes we were hooked.
We watched it every day when Ryan would get home from work until about bedtime. Some nights we stayed up late for one more episode. The more we watched the more we loved it. I may be slightly more obsessed than Ryan, but the fact that he is even into it at all is good enough for me! Now with me wanting half the merchandise from thinkgeek.com (they have an ENTIRE Doctor Who section!), having the TARDIS sound as a text alert and literally trying to get everyone I know into this show I definitely win the Whovian title in this family.
Yes I will have my children watch it one day. When they are old enough to appreciate its awesomeness... you know, considering they don't exist yet it may be awhile! So I have been a huge fan for almost a year now, and I am sad it took me so long to get into it!
Thank you all for joining us in this madness! Enjoy the series 7 part 2 release tonight on BBCAmerica!!
I have finally convinced my best friend to start watching DW! So far she has watched the first 2 episodes.