• Allie and Ryan

    Allie & Ryan

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    Allie & Ryan

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    Allie & Ryan

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    Allie & Ryan

  • Ryan and Allie 5

    Allie & Ryan

Friday, March 2, 2012

Check it out!

I am so flippin' excited.

No, no word on our house yet. Inspection is Tuesday, fingers are still crossed along with our toes, legs and eyes. But what else would make me positively giddy this week?

I was asked to write for spouseBUZZ.com and my first article was published!!! And another one should be appearing next week. Is there anything you all think I should write about? I have a few ideas, but I am curious to know if there is anything YOU, as a reader, would want. Leave a comment and let me know!

Go check out my article and leave some comment love there too, if you feel so inclined. It would make my day.

Now, excuse me while I spin in my office chair in uncontrolled excitement.


EDIT: I'm being tweeted!!! I have no idea how twitter works, but this is pretty sweet.

EDIT 2: I'm on the homepage of military.com for the weekend!

Man I am such a dork. This is amazing!


  1. Congratulations! That is definitely worthy of a chair spin or two!

  2. Wow, congratulations, how exciting! I'm off to read your article :)

  3. I loved reading your article about DC - *especially* since my husband just received orders to 8th & I !

  4. That is so thrilling! Congrats!!


Thanks for reading and for commenting. Please make sure your email is attached to your comment so I can reply. I try to reply to every person who comments, if you don't get a response check and see that you are not a 'noreply' blogger!