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Thursday, February 23, 2012

One Year Later

It is hard to believe, well for me at any rate, that it has been exactly one year since my breast reduction surgery. I cannot believe it. Looking back a lot of it was pretty hazy but that may be from the pain medication! The recovery period was rough, I'm not going to lie, especially with the drainage tubes in that first week. I couldn't sleep on my side for six weeks, only my back, and not lift anything heavier than a book. I had a breathing apparatus to make sure my lungs functioned ok. I had to take drainage measurements... ok Ryan had to, I just didn't look. I had hundreds of stitches which mostly dissolved but some had to be removed. I was sore and tingly and numb for awhile.

But I recovered. Nearly all the feeling is back thank goodness. Only one or two spots still feel like when you have a shot at the dentist... you can feel it but not perfectly. I wore a bikini comfortably this past summer for the first time since middle school.

I have worn shirts in mediums and even *gasp* smalls. My back rarely bothers me anymore and I feel taller without the extra weight, literally! It was not a fun experience to go through that surgery and the first month or so after, but it was definitely worth it in the end.

Six weeks after my surgery I did a before and after post because that was when the majority of my swelling went down and I could notice a difference... and wear a real bra again!

Now it is a year later, and I am fully healed... and you can see even more of a difference!

And of course Rylie girl wanted in on the action! Putz.

My scars are fading and I am extremely happy with my 36Cs. Much better than 36DDDs! If anyone ever has any questions about the surgery, the approval process and TriCare or the recovery please feel free to ask. If you don't want to leave a comment you can email me at imyewneek@yahoo.com

I think it was totally worth it.


  1. I've wanted this surgery for years and I do have back issues but that can be controlled by exercise for me so what's my excuse? I doubt that Tricare would let me do it but now that I am done with the childbirth phase of life maybe I should think about it. I'll probably never do it just because I would be too embarrassed to answer the question "so what's this surgery that you are going in for?" haha I couldn't be as public about it as you are. That's just my personality.

  2. I think you look absolutely fabulous! You are so tiny!

  3. you are beautiful....before AND after....
    Love Ya

  4. Tri-care covered it for you? I got shot down without even a chance at being heard :(

  5. Glad you are all healed up and happy with the results!


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