I created a second facebook account and comment on the picture my legal copyright to the photo. I emailed it originally and it was ignored but the comment on the picture itself must have finally reached home. That photo is legally MINE and copyrighted to this blog. Please bloggers, copyright and protect yourselves and your families. I don't have the time to go back and watermark four years of photos on this blog but from here on in I believe I will start to do so.
My husband was also wonderful in all of this. He is active duty and even though I am just his wife he pulled support from so many amazing friends and coworkers that our gratitude cannot even be expressed in words. Thank you Ryan for dealing with me when I was sobbing in the bathroom at 3 in the morning. You are truly a remarkable man.
My grandfather honorably served his country. He has been proudly married for 65 years, has six children, fifteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Being tied to an old, dirty joke is not something he needs to be recognized for. His service, his morals, and the amazing person he is are what should be recognized.
Again, thank you all for your support. It truly means the world to me.
PS - I will catch up in the Doctor Who March Madness link up in the next few days. As much as I love the Doctor this has definitely taken presidence and I will catch up soon.
I'm so glad it got deleted!