
Friday, November 5, 2010

Try Again TriCare

Sometimes I love TriCare. Sometimes I loathe it. This is one of those times.

So in reference to my surgery I have needed another referral from my primary care doctor. I got a referral for a surgical consultation, which I went to as you see from my previous entry. Now I got approved by the surgeon, but before they could submit it to TriCare they needed my records and another referral. This referall had to state it was ok to treat, pre-op, surgery, and post-op.

So the very day I left my appointment I was trying to get Dr Kim on the phone. No appointments. No one knows what the heck a referral is all of a sudden. For two solid weeks I fought to get any contact with the man. I finally go through patient advocacy and he calls me back. I tell him I need a copy of my records and another referral for the rest of treatment.

They fax me my file at work. It is wrong. It said I was allergic to latex, on no medication, a non smoker.... all false. I am NOT allergic to latex but do have a fatal reaction penicillin, (which I told them!) I do smoke and I am on at least two-four perscriptions at any given time as well as calcium suppliments! I write all the corrections and fax it back saying I need an accurate record as this is going to my surgeon and surprisingly they fax it back.... three days later. UGH.

I assume the referral is also being taken care of, as Dr Kim said he was resubmitting it. He said he originally submitted it for total treatment, not just consultation, but he will do it again. I give him two weeks. I call TriCare Tuesday of this week and they have no referral on file.


So I try and call the clinic directly. No answer. I call the appointment line to try and just get an appointment to go in and do this in person. No one, and I mean NO ONE, can see me until Saturday November 20th at 7:40am. What the heck!? I have never had a problem getting an appointment at Belvoir before! I book it and call patient advocacy again, this time to talk to someone in referrals. They tell me it was submitted Monday. As in the day before. Again, seriously?! What did they do with it for TWO WEEKS???

Well whatever, it was in. They told me to call Friday and I would have an answer.

I call today at lunch.

At least it is submitted now. They see it. But... it is still pending.

Call back on Monday.

*insert Allie slamming her head into her desk here*

Anyway.... the ball is tomorrow (and Ryan has to wear Dress Whites?! Whaaaat?) my dad and brother will be here!

See you all later taters!


  1. Oh lady, TriCare sure does make us jump through hoops at times! I just had my "womanly" exam today... took me a MONTH to get that appt. Ridiculous.

    Dress whites? Your husband actually owns those? I was pretty sure they stopped wearing them in 2000... and if anyone wears them now it was just officers. Interesting =/

  2. 8th and I has them for the parades but only the hosts and marchers usually wear them....

    So him getting some was a scramble!

  3. Can't wait to see pictures of the Ball!!


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