
Monday, April 26, 2010

5 Days!!!

I FINALLY finished getting the pictures scanned for the darn digital frames! I was up until 2am and did a whole bunch more today. Literally I had to go into my scrapbook, and Ryan's, carefully remove the picture or the page (or cover) scan it, crop it, flip it, and save it. Then I had to make sure Ryan and I had the same amount. And then that they alternated so it goes one of him one of me. I finally added the pictures of us from when we first started dating up until now.

For. Ev. Er.

So glad that is done.

Then I took Stefan to tae kwon do and got us Chinese food for dinner since the parental units went out for a belated anniversary celebration. Talked to Ryan on the phone about three times so far today, a nice change from the weekend when we kept missing one another. I just love hearing his voice. He even got Chinese food too so it would be like us all having it together (: Aw.

My dear friend Anna Laura called me tonight and explained what Ryan and I are getting as a wedding gift from her. So sweet. She works as an art consultant out in San Francisco and is getting us a photograph by the artist! She is even going to needle him into signing it if she can manage it! The print I picked out is so stunning, it is called Imagination. His work is unique and wonderful and the surface it is printed on actually is embedded with crystals so when different light hits it the picture changes slightly. I cannot wait to see it! It was also wonderful to talk to her again. I miss her in my life, this whole living a continent apart thing is a shoddy trend if you ask me...

Tomorrow I go back to the florist and confirm everything. All sorts of fun final payments are due. Plus the hotel bags, itennerary, printing out things, finding the water bottle labels that vanished into the ether... I cannot wait for my best friend/maid of honor Sam to arrive tomorrow night and my husband to be to arrive Wednesday!!!

Wedding Weather Update:

But check this out...

Luckily we are east coast!!!

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