
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

4 Days!!!

I got up pretty early this morning and drove my mom to work so I could have the van for the day. With my car in Alexandria it feels soooo weird to have to depend on my parents to get around. I don't like it! But I went and got breakfast for us and hung out at the church for a bit with them. Talked to a LOT of people. Then I went home, got changed, and went off to the florist. I dropped off the vases for the church and did the final payment. I then grabbed lunch and went back to the church. Took mom home and got more stuff done.

We started the hotel bags, printed the labels for the water bottles, made the bathroom baskets, and finished up the frame stuff. I literally just need a memory card for them now. We then took Stefan to tae kwon do and went to Wegmans. Got more basket stuff, cards, and other things. We grabbed some McDonalds for Stefan and came home again.

I've been trying to find a song to dance with Stefan to at the wedding. I have some ideas but I am not sold on anything. Anyway mom and I fixed up the seating chart and then alphabetized everything! We did the camera cards for the tables and now just have to print out our favors thing... I will post it here later on so you can see!

Just got off the phone with Ryan. He worked from 0700 til almost 2300! His only day of work this week really worked him. Full parade set up, take down, cleaning, inventory and other things. Poor guy. I cannot wait to see him tomorrow. We talked for a bit.... mostly I vented something that has been on my mind for a long time and he listened! He just hopped in the shower so I thought I would update here before he calls me back! 4 days!!!

Wedding Weather Update:

I hope those thunderstorms stay away! Day after is fine! But... 85??? Wow... at least we won't be cold...


  1. You're so productive. Yay, it's going to be a beautiful day, regardless of the weather!

  2. I want to see some teaser pictures of everything you have so far!


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