
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Birthday Part 2!

Last night Ryan came home with a bottle of Rose Champagne to celebrate my first day of work, and he only keeps surprising me!!! It is my first birthday I have ever gotten to celebrate with him (and the third we've been together) and he has just been wonderful.

First, thank you for the birthday wishes! My facebook of course got flooded. It is interesting people I never talk to anymore still feel the need to write on my wall for my birthday...but whatever! I still love it. I still have lots of texts and I got a fun box from my mom. She sent me some money for work clothes, moonshine jelly from North Carolina, a coca cola bag and bottle opener (<3 Diet Coke! and vintage coke stuff), some candy and candles. Mom even tried to send me flowers and chocolate at the office but I didn't get them :( And thanks for the touching entry on your blog Mommy (:

The girl I work with at the front desk said Happy Birthday but that was it for work for most of the day. So imagine my surprise when at 4:30 we got told to put the phones on Do Not Disturb and to go to the cafe for a "meeting". We go inside and they got me a cake!!!! And a card!! On my second day of work! I was very touched. (:

Now we have a tradition in my family where we hang this special sign every birthday for every person. It was up in my living room when I came home!!! Along with...

My Present from my AMAZING Husband...

Going way back in the blog to this I Want it Wednesday entry you can see how long I have wanted an amazing camera like this. My glorious hubby did me one better, he asked the guy at the camera store his opinion and got a better camera than the one I wanted! I am the proud owner of a Nikon Coolpix P100!! It is AWESOME. I am currently reading the manual cover to cover and we plan to go to the park this weekend to play so I can take pictures and learn while doing. SO psyched.

Ryan had a long day so he is napping before we go to dinner. We're going up to the Italian place right up the street that I have been dying to try, it has sidewalk tables and white lights and looks wonderful.

I love birthdays. And my Ryan <3


  1. Love the silver duct tape on the sign....such a "guy thing" lol

  2. You lucky duck! I am glad to hear your birthday went so well and the cake and card from work was sooo nice!


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