
Friday, April 23, 2010

Nicole and Katie Love My Blog!!!!

Thank you to Nicole at Flip Flops and Combat Boots and Katie at Diary of a Disgruntled Marine Girlfriend for both giving me this award! I am so touched!!!! So the rules to this one are to list ten things that I love and pass it on to ten other bloggers (which will be hard as a lot have this one already, so you may get it again!).

So Ten Things I Love
1. Ryan. I love him more than anyone else in the world. He is my best friend and soul mate and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with him, starting in 8 days!
2. My Mom. She is my closest confidant and best friend. I could not be who I am today without her. She is amazing and I am going to miss having her close by all the time!
3. Acting. I love it and I miss it. It has been too long since I have done a real show. I love the lights and the feel of being on stage with an audience. It is the biggest and best high in the world.
4. Chocolate. Enough said.
5. Strawberries. I am a berry addict in general, but I can eat a carton in one sitting easily.
6. Champagne. Always been a weakness, I love the fizz and the spark!
7. Fireworks. I love them so much Ryan even knew he had to propose to me during Illuminations at EPCOT. A more perfect proposal could not exist.
8. Reading. I am a book whore. I can read one a day if I try. Sometimes more. I read fast and retain, but I love fiction.
9. Taking Pictures. I have thousands of them. I wish my album abilities and scrapbooking were as kept up!!!
10. My Friends. They are from all over the place and oh so different, but I love them so so much. Fantastic people with wonderful gifts to offer this world, from my theatre school friends to college to Disney to blogger, they are all wonderful.

Now to pass it along to bloggers I LOVE! (some are getting it twice!)
1. Flip Flops and Combat Boots (gotta give it back!!)
2. Diary of a Disgruntled Marine Girlfriend (gotta give it back to you too!)
3. Church Lady and Mom
4. Jess's Journey
5. The Sand is Different Here
6. Scientist. Gamer. Geek.
7. this is only the beginning of our story
8. C&C Aubel
9. Love is Distance
10. Hard Corps Love

I love reading all of your blogs and I cannot wait to see where your stories go!


  1. aw thanks girlie! and I've never known someone who actually liked champagne!

  2. I don't like it, I LOVE it. I am a big fizzy drinks person and for some reason it doesn't hit my stomach as hard as other liquors tend to. I am so my mother's daughter, it is her favorite too!

    If you want to try a great way to drink champagne mix it with chambord, raspberries, and POM. It is amazing!

  3. Aww thank you so much for the award! I will for sure be posting an update and tagging new blogger friends this weekend. It's been a crazy week. I can't believe how soon your wedding is... enjoy these moments! :D


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