
Friday, April 23, 2010

8 Days!!!

A week from today is the rehearsal dinner! A week from tomorrow, the wedding! Holy cannoli! Right now I should be am going through my clothes to load up the cars to drive with mom to the apartment tomorrow. I am excited for her to see our place in person versus pictures. It was my last day at the pharmacy today and I have to admit it was a little said saying goodbye. It went from boring to crazy to just all over the place working there sometimes, but everyone grew on me! They even gave me this gorgeous 2 window frame, one with a place for our invite, the other for a picture from our wedding day. I had been eyeing those a lot so it was an awesome coincidence.

Mom and I are running all over the place trying to get everything done! We still have to do the bathroom baskets, make the place cards, and a lot of other small things. At least it is just good, last minute stuff, not crazy big bad things.

The doctors office called back today, blood work all normal. Surprise? Not at all.

Mom and I have to run to Macy*s tonight and then she made us reservations at our restaurant. McCormick & Schmick's Seafood has always been our "fancy" favorite restaurant. It has amazing seafood and since my brother and dad are in DC with boyscouts we are going out! It is also my parents' sixteenth anniversary today, so Happy 16th Mom and Dad!!! Celebrate it well on Monday when you're in the same state!

Wedding Weather Update

Yesterday and this morning it said 30% chance of rain but that has gone away! Keep your fingers crossed for me please!!!


  1. jealous of the nice weather on your wedding day!

  2. Exciting!!! The day before your wedding, relax! Hubs and I had to get our marriage license early that morning (he flew in for the wedding) but after that we enjoyed a nice lunch and took a long nap before the rehearsal. =]

    Everyone has been telling me I need to eat at that restaurant, sadly hubs doesn't eat fish (how are their steaks?).

  3. All we have planned for the day before is the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. So here is to hoping we can relax!!!

    My brother gets the steak there when he comes with us, he doesn't eat fish either. He said it is "So good. Even without A1!"

    Big praise from a 13 year old!


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