
Friday, October 22, 2010


Thanks to Jeska over at livin our love song for the award!!

Rules for Happy 101 award: post who gave you this award. (*check*)

State ten things you like. (*check*)
1. I like teching. I love acting... but I like that I can still be involved in theatre via Stage Managing.

2. My clients at work. One got back from Turkey and gave us some turkish delight and another just got back from Morrocco and got us these adorable little bags from the marketplace!

3. I like I can make Otis Spunkemeyer cookies at work Friday in our secret back oven on Fridays.

4. Chocolate. And the secret candy drawer under our reception desk.

5. Beatles radio station on Pandora.

6. Josh Groban's new album comes out November 15th and is called Illuminations !!! (also the name of the EPCOT firework show I usd to do crowd control for and got proposed to during!)

7. My loving husband. Of course I like him and love him all at the same time.

8. My family. They are too cool not to like.

9. My dress for the ball. It is my first formal red dress, kind of excited to wear it and rock some awesome lipstick too!

10. Blogging. Like it a lot. And all you lovely readers and fellow bloggers!

Give this award to 10 other bloggers. (*check*)
Life of a Navy Wife & Everything Else
The Sometimes Single Mom
Army Dogs
Forever Yours Semper Fi
A Whole New World
Devil Dog Darling
Goodnight Moon
Skinnie Piggie
The Adventures of Superman and Mrs S
Simply Sunshine and Daisys

Thanks for reading ladies! And I cannot wait to see your ten likes too (: And thanks Jeska for the award!


  1. Thanks soooo much!!!! I feel super special today!

  2. Thanks sweetie! Oh I love me some Otis Spunkemeyer cookies! Delic!

  3. Congrats on the award! It's so much fun to get one.

    Wanted to thank you for the comment you left for me over at PBS. Sometimes when I write posts like that I wonder if people are going to think I'm absolutely crazy. So it's nice to hear I'm not the only one with the deployment fungus. You rock!

    Have a great weekend. :)

  4. Thanks! I just posted!
    Have a great weekend!

  5. red formal dresses are the best!! i can't wait to see it!!

  6. :) I tagged you on my blog! Go check it out!

  7. Thank you darlin! I wish I looked good in red, I can't wait to see it.


Thanks for reading and for commenting. Please make sure your email is attached to your comment so I can reply. I try to reply to every person who comments, if you don't get a response check and see that you are not a 'noreply' blogger!