
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Incidentally Enough...

First... can I just mention I am SO flippin excited for this!?!?

Second. I finally heard back from the doctor last night. Now it turns out the spot was there, but it is still an incidental finding. On the phone he was throwing out a lot of big words I didn't quite catch (like enterior portion, limbus fetibra etc) but here is the gist. As a kid your bones fuse together, well apparently one part of my spine didn't want to cooperate and an extra piece of bone fused to the outside of my spine on my L3. I think it is called having a secondary osefication center. Whatever it is, it makes the part of my spine have a different density. He said a lot of people have them, most commonly in their feet or even chest, but it is rarely ever a problem. Where mine is it is not located near any nerves or my actual center spinal column so we are just going to leave it.

If I start getting really bad pain or pins and needles again we may investigate further. Until then I am still waiting on my referrals to a physical therapist and a plastic surgeon (yay thanks for being prompt TriCare!). If I don't get it Friday I am calling and harassing them again on Monday.

But thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. At least it all wasn't for sh...crap. We now know one more thing that is not causing my pain. That tends to be the trend with me whenever I am sick... we eliminate everything it is NOT but rarely get around to what it is. Oh well. Next step ahoy!


  1. I am glad that all is okay :)
    I can NOT wait to see harry potter!! I am making Jacob take me even though he hates it.

  2. So happy that everything is ok with you and hoping it stays that way! And yay Harry Potter, I cannot wait either! My sailor and I were just talking about it last night! Haha ditto Kaylee, he's not a fan either (loves the books, not the movies so much because of everything they messed up) but knows I want to see it!

  3. I am SO excited for Harry Potter! The trailer made me squeal. I'm so SO excited!

    I'm glad you're doing okay! That's definitely good news!

  4. I am glad I am not the only one excited!


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