
Thursday, September 30, 2010


Wow... I have to say I thought the give away would be a little more exciting? I have two entries at the moment. :( Maybe this wasn't as good of an idea as I thought. I mean, technically I know I still only have 99 followers, but shouldn't that be 99 entries? Or at least like, 10?


Maybe this thing isn't as active as I thought it was.

Top it off I completely wiped out in the rain this morning. I am wearing my favorite black flats (so much my favorite that the heel traction wore away) and they caused me to tumble. I stepped off the front step onto the sidewalk and suddenly my right foot slid out from under me and down I went. I scraped my right palm, jammed my shoulder back into its socket, twisted and wrenched things and bruised my posterior. My umbrella went flying, my lunch and purse... and I got rained on. I dented my redbull, ripped my lunch bag, and bent one of my umbrella spokes on top of getting soaked.

I didn't have time to go change so I dragged my damp butt to the car and went to work with the heat blasting. Luckily I had on black pants under a black and white snazzy long sleeve mini dress I got at White House Black Market, so the water wasn't too visible. I get to work and remember then I have to go to training at our other office near by and proceeded to shiver the entire meeting as I dried off.


Happy Thursday.

Don't forget to enter the 100 Follower Give Away here. Competition is definitely in your odds at this point!


  1. I'm hating this rain!! Sorry for your fall, terrible way to start the morning :/

  2. oh my goodness...i'm sorry about your fall. hope your day got better...and i'm going to enter your giveaway!


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