
Thursday, September 2, 2010


Sorry for the lack of entries! Ryan is on his post parade season 96s, so we've been busy! This weekend was filled with walks, trips to the gym (I did 4.25 miles on the elliptical!), and a trip to King's Dominion. King's Dominion Monday was amazing. It was empty! We went to the water park first and waited on literally no lines. We went on all the slides multiple times, played in the wave pool, and got a little sunburned. After we went to the actual amusement park and we went on all the big rides we wanted to.

There is a huge rollercoaster made for Dale Earnhardt that is the biggest, fastest coaster on the east coast. It was huge! Sometimes when I go upside down on rollercoasters the blood rushes to my head (or away from it?) and I see black temporarily. Yea probably not a good thing, but I am used to it. But on this rollercoaster, I blacked out. Majorly. Like a good twenty or thirty seconds of where I saw nothing but blackness! It freaked me out!!! I was so woozy after that. Yikes.

But we were bad dietwise that day! We split McDonalds on the way down, I had a cheeseburger and he had an angus snack wrap, then we had two small fries and then split a three piece chicken select. In the park there was corn dogs, funnel cake fries (think funnel cake but it long skinny pieces, amazing), french fries, and more chicken fingers! So yummy!

Ryan had work yesterday and we thought he was going to have duty, but he didn't! Josh had it, but he was called for Dover Duty ( :( ) and Ryan was going to take his regular duty. Dover time got pushed back and suddenly my husband was home! Yay! We were bad again and went to Chipotle last night (baaad craving) and then went on a loooong walk to make up for it.

Ryan just got off work and when he gets home we're getting in the car and driving to South Carolina for the labor day 96. Woohoo. So we'll be there til Monday spending time with his family for the first time since the wedding. Wish me luck!

Hopefully I will update Monday when we get back. Tuesday is my first day of work (EEEEK!) and Wednesday I turn the ripe old age of 23. Oh Mylanta!

Enjoy the weekend girls! I hope you all have 96s to enjoy with your men!

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