
Tuesday, July 27, 2010


So ladies, you may remember that I was writing about how Ryan was considering getting out of the Marine Corps when his contract was over this coming May. He wanted to use his clearance and get a Government Service job in security, his specialty. This was our plan for the past month or so, though I must say it shocked me when he mentioned this a month into our marriage! I figured come May he'd re-enlist and we'd move... but no. But now...

Ryan met with the career planner at the barracks this past week to discuss his options, it never hurts to see what's out there. He found out he is more than qualified for the CID program. What is CID you ask? Criminal Investigation Detective (I believe). Are any of you familiar with this program? Well Ryan is really into it. I haven't seen him this excited about anything in a long time.

From what I understand he would wear a suit (and carry a gun) and work 0730-1630 like normal jobs perhaps. If there is a DUI on base or a domestic abuse situation he would help investigate. If a dignitary or higher ranking official or someone needs security he would do it, stateside or overseas. Deployments are possible, but they tend to be shorter, one month or three months... but seven month ones are possible(but not as common apparently).

Now Ryan has the scores and he is more than qualified for this I believe. If he applies he will definitely get it in my opinion. What does this mean? Yes we stay in the Corps... no problem there. Ryan would go to school, not sure how long or where it is. And we may move. CID is east coast, west coast and pacifice. We could stay right here and be at Quantico (which would be amazing). We could end up in NCor SC, but the big possibility is California. It could be Miramar, 29 Palms, or Pendleton. Then there is always the pacific, Guam or two places in Japan! Oy. Ryan is hankering to go to California. He has never seen the Pacific ocean and wishes to do so. I told him that was what vacations were for. Shouldn't you visit a place before you agree to move there for four years? Just my thought. I support Ryan and I will move if the orders arise but being so far from my family kind of scares me. 3,000 miles, 3 time zones.


We'll have to see. The bonus and promotion that would come with this would be amazing for Ryan, for us, but I am still a little in the dark still. So if any of you are familiar with CID, help me out!

EDIT: Ryan got home and found out the school is in Missouri and 22 weeks. He isn't sure if I could go with him or not. So 5 months apart or me sitting in Missouri while he goes to school. Oy again.


  1. I moved where I am 2,500+ mi away having visited only a couple times. I don't like the east coast (no offense), the weather on the west coast is much more my style. All of my family is on the west coast and I left my best friends... it's just part of this life. I will say it's been a blast being able to see all these places I probably couldn't have afforded so many trips for... next year we will be moving, new place, new faces, new adventure! It's all about your mindset.

  2. girl...i say you both should go for it. moving away is scary at times, but think of what kinds of new experiences you'll have in these different places. i would kill to be on the pacific side!

  3. unfortunately I don't know much about this, but I wish you luck!

  4. Hello I know this post is old but my husband is thinking about re enlisting for the same thing as yours. Do you have any information or advice for me that would help us make the decision?

  5. CJ - your email is not attached to your comment so I cannot answer you any other way but here... hopefully this is enough! My husband ended up not doing CID but he did re-enlist. If you're looking for CID information I am afraid I do not have any information regarding it... when he re-enlisted he did go away to school in California for his new job (for 9 months) and I stayed in Virginia. Separations are awful but doable. If you have any other questions please feel free to email me and I will try and help however I can.


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