
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Married Life

"So how is married life?"

That is the most common question I get lately. Since the honeymoon, whenever I talk to anyone, that question nearly always comes up within the first five minutes of conversation. Not that it is a bad thing, but I definitely was not expecting it to be so prevelant! I am not sure how to answer it really either. I mean, great? Ryan and I finally can be together longer than a weekend or a vacation, of course it is wonderful. Sure we bicker every now and then, it isn't always golden light and angels flying around doing hallelujiah choruses. But every night when he holds my hand for us to say grace, my heart melts. When we cuddle on the couch to watch a DVD I am so happy to just be there.

I love making dinner for us and eating together. I don't mind the cleaning or the chores or going to the barracks to do free laundry. I love falling asleep next to him and waking up next to him... even if it is absurdly early just to kick him out of bed so he won't be late.

But how do you fit all that in? How do you say it without sounding overly sappy or mushy? I just smile, shrug, and say, "It's great."

I hope that's enough. Otherwise I would really bore people!!!!

Internet Countdown: 12 Days!


  1. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I'm like..uh, the same but we live together? Great? I don't know how to roll everything into one answer either! LOL! I just know that I love it!

  2. I'm not really sure how to answer it either. We've been married almost two years and people still ask me that. After this long, I find it rather annoying.

  3. I never knew how to answer that either! I've been married three years now (and since this post was written in 2010, I assume you have as well) and luckily that question has gone away :P I always just said "it's great" too.


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