
Saturday, June 19, 2010

CVS, TriCare, Dry Run, Recipe

Random post but I wanted to write it while I still remembered.

For all you wives... if you have TriCare and ever need a perscription filled know that CVS accepts TriCare!! The Naval Hospital here is over 45 minutes away and to get there is a real pain. I was waiting to see the doctor and I needed my old meds refilled so I went to CVS expecting just to pay an arm and a leg. They pharmacist and I were chatting and he just entered Ryan's information into the computer and it all worked! So if you all ever need perscriptions and don't want to do a long journey, ask the doctor for a hard copy (the paper) instead of instantly sending it to the pharmacy on base and you can take it to CVS. Since I can walk to CVS that is my new game plan for prescriptions! $3 generic, $9 regular... way cheaper than even my old insurance plan! Now aside from me this information may not be useful for anyone but I thought I would put it out there anyway.

Is it bad it took me one sugar free red bull and three diet cokes to get through the dry run of camp??? It also started two hours later than a regular camp day an there were no kids. Oh I am so so in for it! Pray for me for Monday. I am so nervous about my commute and doing it all right!

I see everyone sharing recipes so I am going to share what I made for dinner tonight... it is really easy to make, may not be exact, but it is quite yummy.

Apple Pork with Sauerkraut

4 Pork Loins (or whatever the boneless ones that look like chicken breasts are)
Bottle of apple juice
Jar/Can of apple sauce
Can of sauerkraut (can use fresh if you wish! but the can is easy and cheap and just enough)

Serves 4

-In a frying pan put the defrosted pork in with the apple juice. I use enough to just cover it basically.
-Simmer each side til pork whitens, a couple minutes each.
-Now if you use the canned sauerkraut open it and pour the sauerkraut into two or three folded over paper towels. Over the sink squeeze it out. This removes the excess liquid and makes the sauerkraut less bitter.
-Mix applesauce and squeezed sauerkraut in a bowl.
-In a 9x13 dish (or casserole dish, can cover with lid if you want to, I just did the glass 9x13 dish) coat the applesauce/sauerkraut mixture on the bottom in an even layer.
-Place pork from pan on top of mixture.
-Pour drippings/juice from pan on top of pork.
-Heat in oven at 350 for about 40 minutes.

Cooked pork should be 155/160 degrees when fully cooked. Serve with mashed potatoes and enjoy!!! This picture is sort of what it will look like...

picture from

You will have to let me know if you try it and like it! It is a recipe my mom uses and now I use. You can also substitute all the apple things for pineapple if you so wish...


  1. I worked at a sumer camp for years....5 year old boys was my group. I was lucky if I managed to stay awake until 8 pm the whole first week! Good luck!

  2. Hey! I'm a new follower! Can't wait to read more!

    Reina @


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