
Monday, June 14, 2010

Awesome Weekend

Have I mentioned I love where we live?

I love where we live.

Being in the DC area again in itself is wonderful. I love driving somewhere and looking out my windshield and seeing the Washington Monument or the Capital. It is just so awesome. I have been driving a lot, but the metro itself is so convenient and clean. When I was in school (and caless) I literally took it everywhere. I moved to Maryland junior year of college but I was still in the beltway so it was all the same.

After graduation I moved to Florida for my Disney Internship which was a whole new world of a Jersey girl transplanted to DC now to Florida girl like me. Flat. So so flat. Aside from the Disney bus system we had you had to drive to get anywhere. Then I went back to Jersey to plan the wedding... cow-ville. Middle of the country, had drive to go literally anywhere!

Now, back in the DC area... but on the Virginia side! A first! Alexandria is wonderful. All of our neighbors are so so friendly. Everyone we talk to is great. And we are so close to Old Town. Here comes my weekend now.

Friday was parade day but Ryan had duty so he was stuck there longer than usual. I got to visit at least. I went and picked up his wedding ring, visited, then hung out with my friend Meghan for awhile on King St. We had amazing Thai food and then I made dinner for Ryan and went to the barracks again. Saturday we watched a 5 hour movie via netflix called Wyatt Erp. Action/Western, pretty good actually. We played Scrabble and I did my goal!

Yes, I used ALL of my tiles in ONE word!!! ANECDOTE- with a blank tile for the C. So I got an extra 50 points for the word and sufficiently kicked my hubby's butt 280 to 216. New Goal: Break 300.

What is going to happen when we get cable?! Haha.

After that we went bowling on Bolling Air Force base and then came back and walked to King St. We got totally ripped off at one bar that had live bluegrass music and Ryan left an $0.08 tip. I was mortified. I wish I had cash to leave. I got the dirty looks our waitress was shooting us and I am blushing now at the though. For seven wings and three drinks they charged us $35, yes a bit steep... but to not leave a tip? Yea, goes against my nature and I was so embarassed.

But after we found an AMAZING bar called Murphy's that made my Irish girl heart leap for joy. Live music, two floors (smoking upstairs) and great people. I had a hard cider in hand and was quite content. Teasing Ryan I told him he had to try and pick me up, see how off his game got.

So he sneaks up behind me and starts trying to chat me up. He leans on my table and his elbow totally slipped off and I laughed hysterically and just said, "Sorry dude, I'm married!" He told me this one guy kept looking at me, of course when I glance over I got full eye contact and just held up my left hand and grinned!

We ended up meeting two former Marines who were pretty cool. They got drinks for Ryan and tried to get more for me (but I don't drink a lot and declined). We actually ended up staying until closing before we walked home, myself a little straighter than Ryan did!

We were up late so Sunday we slept in. We walked up the street for pastries and I got a yummy bittersweet chocolate tarte and then we went to mass (score! two weeks in a row! back in business!). After we drove to Kohl's and found this awesome shopping center we didn't know existed! I got shorts and other stuff for camp, Ryan insisted I get this casual blue dress and some nice black sandals, and himself a belt. We used our gift cards and had $4 left to spare! Then we went to Firehouse Subs and Ryan overdid it with a level 10 hot sauce. He literally described it as eating OC spray (Marine girls may get that one... ask your man!) Where it hit his face it turned bright red and he was sweating profusely. It wasn't even good, it just burned! As soon as he recovered he accidentally dipped his sandwich in the wrong cup and it started again! Oh poor hubby...

We then went and saw the A-Team which was actually pretty funny. I never saw the tv show so now Ryan is insisting we get it on Netflix!

At rehearsal now, last one til the 28th. And guess what?


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great weekend! Yay for cable and internet!


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