
Tuesday, May 25, 2010


At the barracks again, doing some laundry and abusing internet access... but we should be getting it this week hopefully!!!!

So you're probably wondering, why nineteen? Well, I'll tell you!

Josh, Ryan's best friend, and his girlfriend Richie are staying with us for a few days since she is in from Louisiana. It has been great, we share the cooking responsibilities, play Battle of the Sexes and Scrabble, and last night went for a long walk along the river. Aside from the mosquitoes it was great. So this morning Josh and Ryan go off to work and Richie and I go back to sleep. We send the men off at 0630 or so and pass out til 9 or so like normal people! :P

The guys text us asking if we want to meet them at the barracks for lunch at 11. So we get dressed and I grab the laundry and we head out to the parking lot of my building. Josh and Ryan took Ryan's car to work so we had either my car or Josh's truck. Richie wanted to take the truck since Josh has the DOD sticker so we walked down to his car and see a police car hanging around nearby. We walk around and as I stand at the passenger side to be let in I notice Josh doesn't have a window...

Yep, the truck was broken into. So the cop comes over and talks to us, turns out between 1am and 5am nineteen cars along the back row of the parking lot were broken into. NINETEEN!! Luckily nothing was really stolen from Josh's car, except for the Marine Corps Marriage PREP class certificate of completion from the class the four of us took last week. Why they stole that, we have no idea...

Strange thing, my car was in that row and left alone. Sure my car is an old POS thing but it isn't that bad! A 97 taurus! Ryan's apparently was fine as well, since he and Josh went to work this morning without a hitch. Apparently three cars, including Josh's, were just broken into with nothing stolen, another girl was saying her cash was left but a bag of Budweiser tshirts were taken, and her GPS charger but not her GPS itself.


Anyway, that is the story of nineteen for now. I am going to wait for the laundry to finish up and maybe Richie and I will do something productive til the guys get home from work. We went to the zoo yesterday but its rainy today so we'll have to think of something.

Ryan and I may go to Virginia Beach this weekend for Memorial Day and I am SO excited! Fingers crossed it actually happens!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is weird. At least they didn't take anything too valuable. Hopefully you can get a new certificate?


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