
Sunday, April 11, 2010

20 Days!

I cannot believe we are getting married in 20 days! That is so insane. This weekend Ryan and I picked out all the music for the ceremony with Brett, the music director at church. We mostly agreed on everything and the ones one of us were a little unsure about it was a close call between two and managed to compromise a solution. We also found out we get to have a tasting at our reception venue. I wish we had known that sooner! We have almost every moment of the next two weekends planned so time is running out.

Next weekend Ryan is driving up with Josh, his best friend (and best man) who has a truck so we can load up some of our furniture and drive in to our new apartment!!! I have a week to pack. At least the first trip's worth. Oh. My. God. But we decided next Saturday to go to the tasting and bring Josh and maybe my mom since we can have four of us there.

I got sick again this weekend. We had the family over and then Jill invited Ryan and I to go out in Hoboken with her. I got dressed up for the first time in a long time and we drove an hour there. I did one shot (a kamikaze) and started to sip a gin and tonic when my stomach started revolting. I spent the rest of the night sitting out in the cool air before laying down the whole way home hoping I wasn't sick. I felt like I ruined the night out. Ryan and I haven't had one like that in ages and I felt terrible. I still feel nauseous today and I was still really shakey this morning. Stupid stomach. I thought we were beyond this!!!

1 comment:

  1. 20 days?! WOW! Have so much fun at your tasting, ours was awesome..all the food was sooooo good!!


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