
Monday, February 1, 2016

Coming Soon!


If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you've already seen the news, but we are expecting! I am officially due August 5, so I am about 13 weeks now. I found out just before Thanksgiving (literally that Monday) so I haven't blogged a lot lately because I knew I would spill the beans! Our families are as excited as we are and we feel so blessed that we were finally able to conceive after trying since July 2014 and losing a pregnancy early on last May.

Now, my thyroid does complicate matters. The doctor I mentioned that spotted my levels and ordered me on immediate medication? My midwife! Thankfully she got me on a high dose of Synthroid ASAP. My rheumatologist really dropped the ball by saying my levels were a little wonky but should be ok, just to mention it to my OBGYN when I saw them. I should have started treatment immediately (over a month before I actually did) and I am very annoyed by the way that all went down.

I officially saw an Endocrinologist last week and was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism, which is an autoimmune hypothyroid disorder. We are super concerned on how this could affect the baby and are keeping a close eye on things. My endocrinologist told me with my levels it was a miracle I was able to get pregnant at all, let alone carry as far as I did without treatment. I am convinced we have a little fighter for that and hoping for a healthy baby more than anything else. When we do the anatomy scan we just have to make sure that everything formed properly organ wise and there is a risk of low IQ.... but I am trying super hard not to stress about those possibilities.  That's the main reason I am so angry with my rheumatologist, I could have started treatment when I was six weeks pregnant instead of ten and a half. The baby uses my thyroid for at least the first twenty weeks so let's just hope all will be well. My doctor mentioned he has seen women later in their pregnancies with worse levels than mine have perfectly healthy babies, but he won't put my risk level at 0%... so any prayers, good thoughts, or karma you can spare for our little Bean are most appreciated.

We are still over the moon and I cannot wait to continue on this journey!



    So so happy and excited for you! After everything, what an amazingly awesome blessing!

  2. Congrats! I'm so happy for you!

  3. Yay! I'm so happy for you guys!


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