
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 8

Hosted here!

Day 8: Least favorite thing about the Holidays

I hope this doesn't sound Scrooge-like of me, but the amounts of money that tend to get spent. I know there are thrifty ways to save for the holidays, but I always feel like so much money gets spent! Between travel (gas, pit stops, car maintanence etc), presents (big family, even little things add up!), mailing out Christmas cards (thank you Shutterfly for helping me out there), thank you notes, and other expenses it adds up. Ryan and I are getting a live tree this year, and ornaments, it is our first Christmas together so we don't really have much! Besides the tree we need lights (and other decorations for the apartment itself), a wreath, basic ornaments besides the one we stole from our parents, a tree skirt... it just goes on and on.

Scrooge-like much? I'm sorry! But it is my least favorite thing about the holidays!


  1. I totally agree! I love Christmas, but I hate that society has made it so expensive to celebrate it. And, we're made to seem like Scooges if we don't live up to "society's Christmas."

  2. Yes, I've already spent a ton of money and I'm not finished. Between decorations and gifts for everyone I'm sure to be broke by Christmas day! (That's about the time I'm really looking forward to our tax return haha)

  3. Oh girl! That is what I dread most about the holidays, it cost so much! My family knows our budget so they expect not to get too much from us but it makes me feel horrible and completely stressed out!

  4. I have this feeling of remorse after every holiday season over the cash my household spends. I'm determined this year to change that!! I've got a plan, and I'm sticking to my holiday thrifty budget--and, part of my plan is remembering what our Christmas celebration is about! Jesus is the reason for the season :)

  5.'s not about the presents it's the presence....looking so forward to spending Christmas with you and Ryan....this visit he won't want you all to himself to sit with him.....the best things in life are not things! Just working together in the kitchen and catching up is the best present there is! Love ya!


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