
Monday, October 18, 2010

Renn Fest

This was from last weekend, during the Columbus Day 72, and I just had to share some of the fun pictures I took at the Renn Fest up in Maryland!

Lovin' the hat Mister!
Flower Garlands for your hair
Steak ... on a Stake!
Hack N Slash, the BEST comedy performance there every year. They crack me up!
In the audience at Hack N Slash!
So close.... Ryan tried to do Jacob's Ladder...
... and failed.
The moon at the end of the night.... it was gorgeous and my amazing new camera can actually take a picture of it!


  1. This looks awesome!!! what a great time!

  2. I have pictures of my husband trying his hand at Jacobs ladder at last years Ren Fest here in Texas. at 6'8 you would think all he would have to do is balance. lol

  3. that looks like so much fun! love the moon picture—an impressive shot.

    Are you telling me that the Newark airport is terrible? Oh boy...

    I have friends from Jersey, and they're all normal, so I won't judge. ;)

  4. Looks like y'all had a blast! Great shots :)

  5. My Fiance is a Marine!!

    I am your newest follower!!

    All of these pictures look awesome! It looks like you had a blast!!

    Have a great day and check out my blog!

  6. I'd like to go to Renn Fest next year!
    Also- check out my new post, I tagged you for an award :)


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