
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

South Carolina and the First Day of Work!

My title is very descriptive of my post, no? :P

Thursday Ryan got off at noon so we drove down to South Carolina (no South of the Border stops this trip, the "I have to go to the bathroom!" thing works only once). We got there just in time to watch the Gamecocks slaughter Southern Miss! It was a lovely, relaxing weekend. My Mother-in-law and I got pedicures, Hannah (my sister-in-law) and I played board games, and we had so much good food!!!

McAllisters, and awesome sandwich shop was one. Ryan of course got his Chik-fil-A fix. We also went to a Spansish restaurant near his house, had some yellow bbq and boiled peanuts and his grandmother's cooking which was amazing. His grandparents got me a big birthday cake (yellow cake with chocolate icing, the best!) a card, and a balloon. Very sweet.

We saw all of his family, went bowling (I broke 100!! Ok I got 100 but it counts), and spent a day on the lake on my MIL's friend's boat. Ryan tried waterskiing and actually got it! A video will be posted soon, I promise. Some of his attempts before getting it are kinda hilarious.

Last night we had dinner with Josh and Richie when we braved the awful traffic of 95N back home. It was a delicious dinner too!!!! I had a bread with tomato basil and mozerella fried lightly for appetizer, mahi mahi with asparagus risotto, and mango sorbet with an amazing cabernet sauvingion. YUM.

Now, work. My first day! Everyone is very nice, the phone system is crazy complicated but I got on it after lunch, and I like it so far! The drawer of chocolate under our desk helps. My co-worker is very sweet and I think once I get comfortable with everything I should be pretty happy. No blogging at work though! And I won't talk about the name or clients or anyone to jeopardize my newfound career... vague yes, but safe!

I turn 23 tomorrow. Holy cannoli I feel old!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sweetie if you feel old at 23...they should bury me look good God Bless Ya....Happy Birthday


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