
Tuesday, August 3, 2010


So I had a pretty long day today. Ryan left for the Iwo parade at 5:30, I woke up less than an hour later and got ready. Drove to work. Work all day with typical camp drama and lots of six year olds. I even worked OT (Over Time) today, so I was at camp three hours longer. Worth $30? Maybe. I am trying to save up to go home August 20th to surprise my Poppy for his 88th birthday so every bit helps! It wasn't too bad, just a long day.

Then I am driving home. I even took the beltway as it was post rush hour! Ryan texts me and asks me to go to Bolling to get him a 6-pack, he needed it after a parade day so I had no problem. I tried to use my GPS to get there faster instead of driving home and then going and I ended up all sorts of turned around. Not good. But I get what I need at the Class 6, crack and grab Burger King (ew I know) on base, and go home. I have my backpack, dinner, two bags, my drink, and my phone in my hand when I walk in the door. Or stagger depending on how you look at it. I throw my stuff down and flip on the light and see this...

A DESK! (Don't mind the dark awful quality of my cell phone picture)

My husband somehow between 5:30 and 8:00 and a PARADE went out, got a desk, got it in the apartment, and all set up! He was telling me he worked all day, only got half an hour comp time to come home and eat before the parade, and he somehow did this! I literally gasped and cried out, "We have a desk!!" before I tripped over my backpack and literally ate some of our Turkish Rug.

Still happy. Despite the rug burn. I cannot wait to tackle him in appreciation when he walks through the door!


  1. Most definitely! I just love him (:

  2. Yay! You have a desk :)

  3. Love your surprise.......Love Ryan .....esp. when he makes you so happy.....what a sweet man!

  4. Oh your new layout and love you!


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