
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Such A Slacker!

But the good news is....


I start September 7th. And the best thing, the commute is SHORT. I mean, maybe two miles at most. After driving forty minutes one way and an hour the other it is going to bliss. I can walk. Or take bus. No beltway!!! My amazing friend Meghan works for this company and passed on my resume and I interviewed Monday. My friend from school Jen did too and even better, they hired her at another location with the probability of her transfering to mine.

Speaking of awful commutes check out mine from this morning...

It was light and a little overcast when I left the apartment. I was on the phone with our family friend Fran when I looked up and saw that. It started to drizzle slightly and I said, "Fran, I think I gotta go." Not a moment too soon as the skies opened up. I have never driven in anything like this in my life. I couldn't see two feet in front of me. I would have pulled over but there is no shoulder on the parkway and I was NOT about to go into the grass. Every now and then lightening would blind me and it took me ages to go at barely 30 miles an hour. The roads instantly flooded and I was honestly following the brake lights of the car in front of me.

I hit the beltway and it stops. Like dead. There was even blue sky!! I was shocked. But when I hit 270 I saw that tree. I had to go around three lanes of traffic to get to my exit. Then all the traffic lights were out... AGAIN.

Surprise surprise I get to camp and there is no power. You'd think after last time they'd send us home. Oh no. The owner, who is in Phili mind you, doesn't want to close. So there is no swimming, we have to be totally outside all day for everything and it is hot as heck and a pain in the neck! Finally they get some sense and do early dismissal at 12:45. I got home by three as car line as usual took an hour but Ryan got home early too! It was great.

We just had a nice dinner and now are drinking some wine. <3


  1. Congratulations on the job!!

  2. Congratulations! That is so exciting! I am sure it will be nice to have work so much closer. Florid had that kind of weather...I loved it! :)


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