
Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Tired Blogger is Not Productive...

Well, the good news first, my job is safe! Damage control was done majorly so I feel much better. I was such a wreck Monday night so it is a relief to not be so worked up.

But work is still killing me. The commute and the day itself just turns me into a zombie. I just want to come home and watch tv and do nothing. The apartment needs to be cleaned, wedding needs to be scrapbooked, pictures need to be sorted, dinner needs to be cooked... it just seems lke so much sometimes. I know it isn't, but I just feel so tired lately. Ryan has another parade tonight, for some reason they had 3 this week, so we're both in the same boat of exhaustion and work. At least I get paid tomorrow, 2 weeks worth plus all my training, definitely going out for happy hour tomorrow with some fellow counselors!

I want to jazz up my blog, make a button.... someone said they would help me but I forget who and now I just don't have the energy to go back that far in entries and look! I am happy I finally figured out how to do the 3 column layout though.

Sorry for being a Debbie Downer readers! Hopefully after Saturday, the last showing of the opera, my life will be a little less hectic...


  1. Hi...I know you don't know me...but if would like some help with a new layout for your blog...I'd be happy to help out. I have a new program that I can use to do it...I am still learning it but it can do some pretty cool things. Plus, my hubby is and IT / web designer so I have him to help too. I am going to be putting my button together tomorrow...and am on my computer pretty much all day cause I am not working right now and school doesn't start for another month, so let me know if you would like some help!

  2. I'm glad that things are better at your work. Hopefully you didn't worry yourself too much earlier this week! I'm the queen of doing that :/ Yay for upcoming paycheck! :)


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