
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I Want it Wednesday


It has been over a month and yes I am surviving but it is SUCH a nuisance! I want to look up directions, recipes, upload pictures from my wedding and honeymoon, fix my blog and update regularly, figure out the bus near my apartment, watch instant stream from Netflix...... UGH.

Ok, maybe the internet is more needed than cable. Surprisingly I am living well without that. Me, Mrs TV Junkie. I used to need the tv on in my room to fall asleep if I was by myself. Sure having a Marine husband to snuggle with has eased me out of that very nicely...

Everyone tells me I should start watching Glee but I missed all last season. I could use Hulu if I had internet! And cable for the current season!

One more week. I can do it!!!!! Until then mooching off free wifi on campus at work or at the barracks will suffice... and Ryan's phone for emergencies!

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