
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

THE Wedding Post! (Part 1)

Ok, I am going to attempt it, here I go!

The Rehearsal

Lost bridesmaids, lost groomsmen. It is what happens when your church is out in the middle of nowhere! Eventually everyone got there and we tweaked the ceremony to our liking. The guys got to practice the arch and we ran through the ceremony twice to make sure we got it right. Then we were off to Cryans for the rehearsal dinner.

Ryan and I at the rehearsal dinner.

The dinner was great. I didn't put my pictures up yet but his groom's cake was... an armadillo!! For any of you who have seen Steel Magnolias you understand where that is from! It was red velvet cake too. I will post my pictures of it once I find my camera chord...

We gave the gifts to our attendants. Ryan gave the guys Marine wallets and shot glasses and gave Stefan his old set of medals from Iraq, he was SO touched. I gave the girls silver heart friendship necklaces that say A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

I also gave them bridesmaid bags from Michaels with a sleep mask, bath bomb, Disney princess pen (naturally), two personalized notebooks with their initials on it, and red glittery heart stickers.

The Marines all got together, my Poppy included, and sang the Marine Corps hymn which was amazing. The Sam and Josh got the bridal party shots, the guys rum the girls cake. I Coyote Ugly'd mine since I cannot drink... aka I spit it out into an empty "chaser" glass. My Poppy even did a shot with the guys! Not bad for 87!!!

That night my allergies kicked my butt. Worst I have ever had them. I was so stuffy and it had nowhere to go but down so I was throwing up that night and then next morning in the shower. No fun. But it could have been worse.


So the day of the wedding we got up super early and drove forty minutes to Sal's to get our hair done. We've been going to Sal since my MOM'S prom so no one else could do my hair! He then wouldn't take any money for mine, even though he opened half an hour early to see us. Awesome guy. I had some tea and a piece of toast and Zyrtec to reign in the stuffy nose. It finally kicked in at the house. The girls were there getting make up done and to get ready.

The make up came out beautifully and I was so happy with it. My mom's friend Babs came over and took pictures of us getting ready, so these shots are all from her!


Sam, maid of honor

Jill, my cousin

Cat, DC bridesmaid

Kim, highschool/theatre school

Dell, Ryan's friend who became my friend! Her boyfriend is a friend of Ryan's as well.

The the "official photographer" arrived, Allan, and he was crazy but great. I cannot wait to see his pictures!!! I also had quality time with my dog Dippy and my littlest brother Stefan in the mean time.

We got into my jewelry then all of us got dressed.

We took some pictures at the house before the limo arrived! After that it was a mad dash to the church and getting everything there and situated.

Entering the church, my entourage!

Ceremony and reception to follow!


  1. So awesome! I love the armadillo cake:)

  2. This sounds like a great day! And we haven't even seen/heard about the ceremony or reception yet! Haha.

    You can also enter my military wedding week contest if you're into it/have time. The contest ends @ 5pm Friday =)

  3. two things: I love the picture of the girls on the bed..thats such a good picture! And second! My walls at home are the same bright blue! LOVE IT!

  4. Thank you!

    I will try and enter, I would love to if I can get it together in time!

  5. Awesome pictures, I cant wait to see the happy for u!

  6. Woah, an armadillo cake? I have never seen the show you mention but it sounds like a cool cake! Also, I still can't get over your hair. It's so blonde and perfectly...curled. Stunning!


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