
Friday, May 14, 2010

Tis the season....


The time of year my poor hubby gets worked into the ground and not much else to show for it! He will be at work from crack of dawn til midnight with barely a break between. He missed the first two parades since we were doing that whole wedding and honeymoon thing (:P) and last year since he was in Iraq. So this year a lot of things are different AND he is an NCO so things are quite hectic.

I was in the midst of unpacking today and I got a text saying he had comp time and to come meet him. YAY! Comp time was cut from two or three hours to about thirty minutes. So I still have time on the parking meter before I have to run to Navy Fed so you all get an update!!!

I was home in NJ the last two days and nights for a funeral. Originally only intended to be gone one night but the weather was bad and funerals just drain you, emotionally and physically. Ryan wasn't too happy I was gone so long the first week we're in our new apartment but he understood. Please keep Joan in your prayers and remember Howard as well. He had a long long fight with MS and is at peace now, and I hope Joan can find comfort in this difficult time. She is my church family, almost like another grandmother to me (and I know she reads my blog and my mom's!) so please put in a good thought for her tonight.

I am so excited to see so many new followers! Welcome readers! I have to apologize for my lack of internet (exception being stolen from the barracks as presently) but I swear once I am hooked up in the apartment you will have another faithful follower and commenter on yours as well!

Also thanks to Skinnie Piggie for allowing my entry into her wedding week contest... I was a tad over excited about pictures being the wedding was only on the first! Much appreciated dear (:

Hopefully professional pictures will be in soon and you all can have some more to see!

Off to the bank and back to unpacking (that would be unpacking my husband's boxes, mine are done, he hasn't gotten around to it yet... :P )!

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