
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More Checks Off the List

I worked all day today, picked mom at work since the landscapers blocked her in this morning at home, and have been doing wedding things all night! I called the van company and booked vans to take people back from the reception to the hotel and was on the phone for forever. I got disconnected once and the woman was a little short with me and kept putting me on hold after that to take other reservations. Oy.

Then I emailed Father Tom the readings Ryan and I picked out and the reasoning behind why we chose each reading. Now I am working on scanning Ryan's baby/childhood pictures from his scrapbook so we can have his and mine in a digital frame at the reception together. It is taking forever.

I still haven't started packing yet!!!!

I have to go to the DMV this week, I have another doctor's appointment Thursday (fingers crossed), I have to get my nails filled (oy), and be ready to go for when Ryan gets here Friday.

I hate packing.


  1. Good luck with everything, sweetie. There will be two awards for you on my blog tomorrow! Make sure to come and get them!

  2. It won't let me comment on your latest post! BOO! But I hope it doesn't rain on your wedding day either! It DOWN-POURED for ours and we werent able to get outdoor shots!! I'm crossing my fingers for you!


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