
Friday, April 16, 2010


I cannot believe this is my 100th blog post! I have tried online journaling and blogging on and off since high school, but this is definitely the only one that ever stuck. I am kind of proud for making it this far. I think back to the time I started this thing, right before Ryan left for Iraq, and it is amazing to see how far we have come. In less than a year we went from dating, to surviving a deployment, to me going to Disney, to being engaged... and now just sixteen days away from our wedding! I cannot believe it.

This weekend Ryan is coming up with a friend of his to start the big move! We will be moving all our stuff (minus my clothes/junk, that is a task to tackle next week) into the new apartment. The weekend after that Ryan goes home to South Carolina for the pre-parade season 96 to spend time with his family and get some things for the apartment. I think my mom and I will drive down with the rest of my things then and the weekend after that... we're married! Mind boggling really. And I just heard from our reception venue this week saying we need to have our tasting soon! Thanks for the heads up... and we can bring 2 other people with us. Now when the heck are we going to go???! Haha. Turns out we are going on Saturday at noon before we go to move.

I was hoping my 100th post would be something amazing and inspirational or at least a little special, but it is sadly a bit run of the mill. My apologies! But thank you all for reading and being with me this far nonetheless.

Here is to the next 100!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I just found your blog, congrats on getting married! It's so soon. Try not to get too stressed out- I know what it's like. I planned the entire wedding on the west coast while he was on the east coast, my dad and I drove my car/stuff (aka-clothes, small things, no furniture) across the country 2wks before the wedding, I flew back 1wk before, he flew in 2 days before, we got married, headed to San Diego for a short 4 day honeymoon... then back to the east coast. It's been crazy! But I love it.

    Congrats again!


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